3 midterms was ended
3 continuous midterms make me gonna soon
next week
i have to finish 2 reports and 1 assignment
which MB and Enzymology reports
and the Enzymology assignment
initially, it should be a individual assignment
but after persuade the lecturer
she change it become a GROUP assignment
oh, how nice she is
haha =]
other than tis all
I got to bz with the fund-raising event for 24 festive drum
for 3 days (tues-thurs)
I felt tat we got so many committees
but only few of us do the job
never mind lar
jz enjoy it
then i got to bz with my another society's AGM
proposal havent hand in..OMGGGGGGG
tis week will be a extremely bz week!
After the hectic week,
we'll going to CAMERON
oh yes..
cant wait
although many things occur during the planning stage
I think we could manage to overcome it
a very 1st time going travel with classmates
It will be a grand new experience for me
will be update soon~